Monday, 31 July 2017

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics (Structure of RNA and its types )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics 

(Structure of RNA and its types  )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics ( DNA Replication )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics 

( DNA Replication  )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics ( DNA Structure )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics 

( DNA Structure  )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics ( Chromosome aberration )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics 

( Chromosome aberration )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics ( Mutation )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics ( Mutation  )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics ( Linkage and Crossing over / Gene mapping )

+2 Botany - 3. Cell Biology and Genetics ( Linkage and Crossing over / Gene mapping )

3. +2 Cell biology and Genetics : Abnormal chromosome /unusual/ Special types of chromosomes

3. +2 Cell biology and Genetics : Abnormal chromosome /unusual/ Special types of chromosomes


Cell Biology and Genetics : Chromosomes structure and types upto normal structure

Cell Biology and Genetics : Chromosomes  structure and  types  upto normal structure

Secondary growth of Dicot stem

Secondary Growth of Dicot stem

Monocot leaf TS ( Anatomy of Grass leaf)

Monocot leaf TS ( Anatomy of Grass leaf)

Dicot leaf TS ( Sunflower leaf internal structure)

Dicot leaf TS ( Sunflower leaf internal structure)

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Difference between Monocot and Dicot root ( Anatomical Difference between Monocot root and Dicot root)

Difference between Monocot and Dicot root

 (Anatomical Difference between Monocot root and Dicot root) 

Anatomy of Monocot Root ( Maize root TS)

Anatomy of Monocot Root ( Maize root TS)

Dicot Root TS ( Anatomy of Bean root)

Dicot Root TS ( Anatomy of Bean root) 


Anatomical differences between Dicot stem and Monocot Stem

Anatomical differences between Dicot stem and Monocot Stem


Monocot stem TS ( Maize stem internal structure)

Monocot stem TS ( Maize stem internal structure)


Dicot stem TS ( Sunflower stem internal structure)

Dicot stem TS ( Sunflower stem internal structure)


Plant tissue system

Plant tissue system

Musaceae - Economic importance

Musaceae - Economic importance

Musaceae - family description

Musaceae family description

Euphorbiaceae - Economic importance

Euphorbiaceae - Economic importance 


Euphorbiaceae - Ricinus communis

Euphorbiaceae - Ricinus communis

Euphorbiaceae - Family description

Euphorbiaceae - Family description

Malvaceae - Economic immprantance

Malvaceae - Economic immprantance

Solanaceae - economic immprantance

Solanaceae - economic immprantance


Solanaceae - Dutura metal

Solanaceae - Dutura metal

Solanaceae -Family description

Solanaceae -Family description

Malvaceae family- Hibiscus rosasinensis

Malvaceae family- Hibiscus rosasinensis

Malvaceae family Discription

Malvaceae family Description

Taxonomy of Angiosperms - Hentham & Hooker Classification

Taxonomy of Angiosperms - Hentham & Hooker Classification 

+2 Botany -Taxonomy of Angiosperms ( Up to ICBN)

+2 Botany  -Taxonomy of Angiosperms ( Up to ICBN)

Plant tissue - Compound tissue ( Xylem ad Phloem)

Plant tissue - Compound tissue ( Xylem ad Phloem)

Plant tissue types - (Upto simple tissue ) Meristamatic tissue and simple tissue

Plant tissue types - (Upto simple tissue ) Meristamatic tissue and simple tissue

Monocot leaf Internal Structure ( Iso bi lateral Leaf) = Grass Leaf TS

Monocot leaf Internal Structure ( Iso bi lateral Leaf) = Grass Leaf TS

Dicot Leaf Internal structure ( Dicot leaf TS)= Dori Ventral Leaf

Dicot Leaf Internal structure ( Dicot leaf TS)= Dori Ventral Leaf  

Difference between Dicot Root and Monocot Root ( Dicot Root VS Monocot Root )

Difference between Dicot Root and Monocot Root ( Dicot Root VS Monocot Root )

Monocot Root internal structure ( Monocot Root TS)

Monocot Root internal structure ( Monocot Root TS)  

Dicot Root internal Structure ( Dicot Root TS)

Dicot Root internal Structure ( Dicot Root TS)

Dicot stem Internal Structure

Dicot stem Internal Structure (

+2 Botany - Monocot Stem TS

Saturday, 29 July 2017

தைராய்டு பிரச்னை :

நம்மில் பலருக்கும் சுலபமாக வந்து விடுகிறது தைராய்டு பிரச்னை .இதனால் பல பிரச்சனைகளை சந்திக்க நேரிடுகிறது. ஆனால் இதிலிருந்து விடுபட, பல இயற்கை வழிகள் உள்ளது


Botany - Cell biology - Linkage and Crossing over

Botany +2 taxonomy of angiosperms - classification

Botany +2 taxonomy of angiosperms - classification

Dicot stem and Mono

12 ஆம் வகுப்பு  இரு வித்திலை தாவர தண்டு ,ஒருவித்திலை தாவர தண்டு வேறுபாடு